Oh my god yessssss! Lol.. And it use to sting alot if it went in eyes, i hated itDid your mum ever wash your hair with Vosene shampoo, when you was a kid?
Awww thanks x Report Abuse
yes she did. i miss that. the childhood, and mum's scrubbing me in bath till i got really red! i like the smell of that shampoo too. you can still buy it in shops. Its only 拢1 now from pound shop..it used to cost quite alot before. dont think its popular anymore
back then the shampoo was really popular. everyone had it
forget the purpose.... what about the smell? I can still smell that evil stench 20 years later. Gives me nitemares!
oh god..yes - all the time...it was ALWAYS Vosene...i think there might have been an advert for it on tv %26amp; that swayed her as there wasnt many shampoo adverts in those days...so i assume she thought she was using the 'best'!!
yeh lol! my mum used to use vosene on me all the time! them were the days...
your joking we got what was on offer at the supermarket-my friend used vosene and i always thought she was posh lol
and your question even reminded me of how it smelled and that wierd green bottle it came in !
What was worse tho, was when my mum used to wipe my face with a tissue from her handbag that she SPAT on to make it wet EEEWWWWWWWWWWWW the smell of make up and leather EEUCH
vosene, i hated that stuff, yep i remember those days well, sitting in the bath having the bubbles drip down my face while she was applying a dollop to my sisters scalp.
yes she did but back then they didnt nhave very many diffrent shampoo's just silverkrin and a couple of others and they only had some for dry greasy and normal hair, unlike today whan the bathroom is full of lots of products then we didnt have very many so in our house we use to get vosene as a change one coz it made the hair nice an shiney and two cos it was a chang from the other shampoos for greasy ect
sting? that stuff felt like it was burning out my soul!
Don't worry about it. My mum used it as well, the smell still takes me back, but it's a nice smell.
Vosene.......Oh, happy days!
proberly... i dunno hehe
Ooh, I love the smell of Vosene! I remember my mum making my hair squeak to make sure it was clean!! Can you still buy that stuff?
Yes my mum did too.
She used to use it on herself and couldnt be bothered to buy me a different brand.
It was anti-dandruff. You can still get something like it, called Polytar, which is very good for some scalp conditions.
With Vosene and the amount of Chlorine they used to put in swimming pools its a wonder any of can see.
yes and it used to stink!!!
i used to buy it as a single adult living on my own as recently as early to mid 90s. i love the smell. don't know if you can still get it.
mine did and i loved the smell
My mum did, and I loved the smell, ohhhhhhhh happy days. She used to wash our hair then sit us in front of the fire and go nit searching, I had the shortest hair in my family yet I was the one who got nits.
And my mum also got a tissue out of her bag, spat on it to wipe my dirty face.
she did actually. Lol
any shampoo makes your eyes sting to high heaven regardless of it being medicated or not. that shampoo was designed for cradle cap, which you get when your a tiddler.
I remember my mum used to use it on me as a kid, But I have also heard it helps to deter nits!!, Being as its medicated
But yes I do remember Vosene, I cant stand the smell of it now and I would not inflict on my children either
yes i was washed it it then lol im in my 40s mostly bald and use it nowadays too you can still get it quite easy everyone. I buy it from my local bodycare shop i think its 99p for the vosene orginal shampoo its still a great no nonsense shampoo. Buy some and see.
sure apart from anti-dandruff it was also good for the skin
i never suffered with teenage spots
and as some others have said
i also use either that type of soap or you should try
COALTAR soap that is really good for a spot free skin
I thought I was the only one! I think you now need to set up a Vosene support group. And I don't believe for a second there is any product even remotley similar on the market today!! Although, lets be honest, we didn't really know any different. lol
Yes, but wasn't the smell delightful?!
yeah! I do!
You can still get it too....
infact I bought a bottle of it the other week...and it still smells the same!...*Oh the memories!*
you can still get it. tesco does its own version too.
Not being a girl, i dont need fancy ho hoba or twists of lemon or cactus sap, to get my hair like a freshly washed labradore.
I use it cause it feels like your hairs clean, the smell i guess.
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