The shampoo cannot guarantee to kill all the eggs and if they hatch after the shampoo and comb thru you will be in the same situation in a few days. It is best to go ahead and do a second shampoo and comb thru. Make sure to comb in bright light, sunlight is best, so you can see all the eggs. I hope you get it cleared up soon!My kids have lice. Does the shampoo kill the eggs too?
I have seen Original Listerine mouthwash used for headlice. There are a number of methods on how to use it if you do a search of Listerine Head Lice.
Rid Chemical Lice killer can be VERY Toxic to the neurological system as well as the liver of your child, so I would never use it.… yes it does
The shampoo doesn't kill the eggs. That is why a 2nd treatment is done for when those eggs hatch. The best way to get rid of lice is a time consuming process of picking all the nits out until you get every one. Work on it everyday because it can't be done at once, due to it being easy to miss some. It doesn't take long for them to start multiplying again. My daughter had lice 2 years ago and it took over 3 weeks of nit picking her long, thick hair. Sitting in sunlight while doing this helps you to see the nits better. Good luck--there is no easy out for this one.
noo it does not u have to cleen alot wash eveyr thing they r a pain
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